Services of general interest
The term "services of general interest" covers all those public services that are particularly important for our daily lives and contribute to the high quality of life in Vienna: these include water supply, sewage and waste disposal, health and social services, local public transport, etc.
In Austria, these services are provided by the federal states, cities and municipalities. This is not done for profit, but by prioritizing high quality standards, general accessibility, security of supply and continuity.
All these services are oriented towards the well-being of the citizens and not towards profit. This guarantees the population high-quality services at affordable prices.
Videos about services of general interest
Services of general interest as key to Vienna's high-quality of living
Affordable and reliable: Vienna's quality of life is home-made
Affordable and punctual public transportation, fresh drinking water from the tap, municipal housing, a reliable waste disposal management. Vienna is not only known all over the world for being the city of music and fine arts, but also for having one of the highest levels of quality of life. Why is that? Because Vienna provides those essential services of general interest for the population herself. Year after year international renowned rankings attest to Vienna's high-quality of living.
To download the video about Vienna's services of general interest in high resolution, click here.
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The Future is public
The well-known US-journalist Laura Flanders reports on an international conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. One of the topics: Vienna as a positive example of public services. A conference-related global study on the importance of public services remaining in public hand can be downloaded here.