
Why is remunicipalization the new trend?


The term (re-)municipalization refers to the (re-)purchase of a company by municipalities (or municipally owned companies).

Digital Humanism in Vienna.


Vienna fosters and promotes developments rooted in social responsibility. This principle also serves as our guideline for digitalisation. The goal lies in actively shaping digitalisaton, so that human beings with their social and societal needs are always at the centre of this development.

7 reasons, why Austria is a poster child for services of general interest


In Austria, services of general interest are still predominantly provided by the public sector. In many other European countries though, water, energy supply, the housing sector and public transport have been sold off to private companies on a large scale. By and large however, Austria has resisted these privatizations of services of general interest.

Vienna leads the way.


Vienna is renowned the world for its high quality of living. Communal services such as water supply, waste collection, waste water management and public transport are key elements in making a city a coveted place to live.

5 reasons, why water supply should be in public hands


The UN-member states have set themselves the goal of achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water and adequate sanitation for everyone by 2030.

Solar power plants supply electricity and protect the climate. In Vienna though, they also ensure biodiversity.


People in cities seem to be particularly affected by the repercussions of climate change. If global warming won’t be stopped, Vienna will become almost uninhabitable due to the heat.

Vienna’s services of general interest is efficient: Not even a bit of energy is wasted!


The fact that the City of Vienna operates the services of general interest herself is a key reason for Vienna having sustainable infrastructure. Instead of making a quick profit out of the essential needs of the people, Vienna seeks clever solutions that have a last positive effect on the people as well as the environment.

Services of general interest in Vienna: Prosperity and quality of life for the entire region


Services of general interest ensure a high quality of life in Vienna. This is made possible above all by affordable prices for housing and public transport. This leaves the Viennese with more money for "the fine things in life". A recent study shows that the entire metropolitan area benefits from this.

From controversially discussed flood protection project to celebrated local recreation area: Vienna’s Danube Island


Up to 300,000 people visit one of Vienna's most extraordinary landmarks ... every weekend! We are talking about Vienna's Danube Island, 21 kilometres in length, up to 250 metres wide, a man-made island within the river Danube.