Brochure 'Vienna in Figures 2024'

"Vienna in Figures" provides a brief overview in 10 chapters and 24 pages - in the form of facts and figures - covering various aspects of life and public services in Vienna.

This annual brochure, published by MA 23 – Economy, Labour, and Statistics, offers a vivid and engaging presentation of Vienna's facts and figures. Completely redesigned with updated data, it also illustrates how much Vienna has changed over time.

Did you know, for example, that in 2024, 14 percent more people lived in Vienna than in 2014 - a total of over 2 million people, along with 57,901 dogs and 263 sheep? You can find more interesting facts and figures about Vienna's development, population, and public services at: Broschüre "Wien in Zahlen 2024" - Publikation mit statistischen Daten