Daseinsvorsorge 2030
Die Studie 'Daseinsvorsorge 2030' der Arbeiterkammer, an deren Entstehen das Büro für Daseinsvorsorge und Kommunalwirtschaft der Stadt Wien beteiligt war, zeigt auf, dass eine finanziell gut abgesicherte und von der öffentlichen Hand gestaltete Grundversorgung in den nächsten Jahren nicht nur 450.000 Arbeitsplätze schaffen würde, sondern auch der richtige Schritt zur Bewältigung der Krimakrise wäre.
Brochure 'Vienna in Figures 2024'
"Vienna in Figures" provides a brief overview in 10 chapters and 24 pages - in the form of facts and figures - covering various aspects of life and public services in Vienna.
Women in Public Services
It is largely due to female hands that Vienna's public life keeps running as smoothly as we are accustomed to. This is particularly true when it comes to those services, that are run for the benefit of the many, not the few: Public Services.
Daseinsvorsorge in Europas Mittelpunkt stellen!
Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Daseinsvorsorge 2024 lud das Netzwerk für Daseinsvorsorge zu einer Veranstaltung, die ganz im Zeichen Europas stand. Mit dabei: Das Büro für Daseinsvorsorge und Kommunalwirtschaft der Stadt Wien.
Daseinsvorsorge in Europa stärken, um sicher durch die Krise zu kommen (A&W Blog)
Aktuell werden die Weichen für die Zukunft Europas gestellt. Um die aktuellen Krisen gut zu bewältigen, braucht es eine europäische Politik, die öffentliche Daseinsvorsorge stärker in den Mittelpunkt rückt. Lesen Sie hier
7 reasons, why services of general interest should be run by the public
Services of general interest are directed to the benefit of the common good. This means that essential services should be available to all people at affordable prices. Private companies on the other hand, have the aim of making the biggest profit possible. Therefore, a service, that is not profitable, is of no interest to private operators.
7 reasons, why public investments are necessary for the economy
Public investments in services of general interest are primarily investments in infrastructure. This includes, for example, the construction and maintenance of roads and transportation networks, digital networks, energy supply, water pipes and sewage systems, hospitals, housing and educational facilities and many more.
7 reasons why privatization does not pay off in the long run
After a company is privatized, it is usually trimmed exclusively to generate the highest possible profits. After privatization, the profits go exclusively to the private shareholders instead of benefitting the public in general. However, if the private company makes losses or even has to file for bankruptcy, the public sector is asked to intervene again in a manner, that is most of the times pretty pricy, to save the day - because water supply or energy supply e. g. cannot simply be dispensed with.
Remunicipalization in Europe since 2000 (as of 2020)
Services of general interest are focused on serving the common good. This means that essential public services are available to all people at affordable prices. Private companies, on the other hand, mainly focus on generating the biggest profit possible. An offered service, that is not profitable enough, is of no interest to private operators.
Why is remunicipalization the new trend?
The term (re-)municipalization refers to the (re-)purchase of a company by municipalities (or municipally owned companies).
7 reasons, why Austria is a poster child for services of general interest
In Austria, services of general interest are still predominantly provided by the public sector. In many other European countries though, water, energy supply, the housing sector and public transport have been sold off to private companies on a large scale. By and large however, Austria has resisted these privatizations of services of general interest.
Solar power plants supply electricity and protect the climate. In Vienna though, they also ensure biodiversity.
People in cities seem to be particularly affected by the repercussions of climate change. If global warming won’t be stopped, Vienna will become almost uninhabitable due to the heat.